Increase in body fat
Decreased muscle mass
Lowered physical strength
Reduced desire
None of these
Please choose at least one option
I have an irregular menstrual cycle
I constantly experience PMS symptoms
I have hormonal acne breakout
I experience menopausal symptoms
I am not a nursing mother
I am a nursing mother and producing sufficient milk for my baby
I am a nursing mother but not producing sufficient milk for my baby
Pain or burning sensation during urination
Frequent or persistent urge to urinate
Blood stained, cloudy or foul-smelling urine
I sleep well most of the days
I have trouble falling asleep
I have trouble staying asleep throughout the night
I have trouble falling and staying asleep throughout the night
I stay up late at night
I drink alcohol regularly
I am a heavy smoker
I work in a polluted environment
I am on long-term medication
I have lustrous and shiny hair
My hair is dry and brittle
My hair is falling out consistently
I am experiencing premature hair greying
Less than 5 hours a day
5 to 10 hours a day
More than 10 hours a day
Nasal congestion
Thick, discolored discharge from the nose
Drainage down the back of the throat (postnasal drainage)
At least once a month
At least once a week
Underweight (<18.5)
Normal (18.5 – 24.9)
Overweight (25.0 – 29.9)
Obese (≥30)
Less than 2 times a year
2-4 times a year
5 or more times a year
I have oily face which is prone to acne breakout
I have pigmentation and dark spots
I have uneven skin tone
I have wrinkles and fine lines
I do not experience any joint pain
My knee creaks when I bend
My joints are stiff when I wake up
My joints swell and it hurts when I move
I eat fruits and vegetables
I eat red meat
I eat full-fat dairy products
I eat fast food and fried foods
I seldom drink milk
I seldom exercise
I smoke
I have a family history of osteoporosis
I frequently feel tired and sluggish
I have irregular heartbeats
I have high blood pressure
I experience shortness of breath
Eats a variety of food
Has picky eating habits
Cognitive performance
Bone health